
Intolerance as a social issue

Intolerance is everywhere and there is differents kind of it, but now i will talk about intolerance to the LGBTQI + community . What does LGBTQI+ mean?  The term LGBTIQ + is formed by the initials of the words lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, intersex and queer. At the end, the symbol + is usually added to include all the groups that are not represented in the previous acronyms.  People think homophobic phrases counts as an opinion or as expression liberty and it is not even close to it. It is insanely common to hear people insult using words like GAY as if your sexual orientation should embarrass or denigrate you.   Whatever. All this people are seriously wrong. It is completely insane to discriminate people for being themselves, for loving as they know, for being free.  Often i hear old people to say "I accept gays but, why do they have to kiss/hug / hold hands in public? could be children arround". Ok, and??????? dont you kiss your wife? why

Me like a scientist explorer

I would love to work with nature, maybe creating things from it or helping our planet with my biochemistry knowledges. I imagine myself traveling to fields to know new active principles or to the Antarctic to know and to solve greenhouse effect (i know, sounds like a fantasy). I am defenetly a outdoor lover. I would love to travel the world researching and contempling nature and its solutions to all ill.  If i get my dreamed work money wouldn´t be a topic because i only want to get money to travel but to travel would be part of my job so it doesn´t matter how much it was.  I honestly am just dreaming about my future job but i don't really know if it is posible or how it would be posible. So i have no idea what major i'd study. I guess it should be something related to environment like ecology.  I imagine myself traveling a lot by boat. In fact, when i was younger wanted to be a marine biologist. I love the ocean. It is my favorite place in the planet. I think i could complement

Pandemic thoughts

The pandemic brought loneliness, confinement, anxiety, scared, poverty and hopeless for most of the population. There is people dying everywhere and not only from covid but from hunger as well so that to tell what i wanna tell right now maybe  would sound like i didn´t be concient of how lucky i am compared to a lot of people, but i just want to tell my experience. I hope you to understand.  Personally I've been through a lot of moods but i specially have felt anxius. Confinament and college are not a good mixed. Sometimes, when all this started i felt like going crazy (most of times) and i needed to calm down so i started to do old things i used to love: painting and creating. That was the solution for my anxiety but not for my grades hahahan i spent too much time trying to calm down and so little studying. I honestly don´t regret. Mental health is always first. That was what i did at first semester.  This semester i have felt specially stupid. I feel like everyone in college know


When i was in school i didn´t know what i liked. I wanted to be arquitect, medic and lawyer, three professions completely different. I did not get the higher califications, in fact, i didn´t have very good grades.  I didn't learnt too much in school, my life spined around sports and no more, but at the final course I learnt a lot of phisic and biology because of I went to another school where education was more personalized.  When I graduated  from school I entered to a pre-college, there i learnt a lot more of science. I decided that biology was what i wanted to work with the rest of my life. I passionate biology. I feel interested about how nature works, included ourselves. I searched about professions that study these stuff i interested  and i found the Biochemestry. I only got in the college career and here i am.  Biochemestry is a profession that contributes too much to the society. It isn´t considered by people but biochemestry keep them alive and they are not concient of it.

Summer vacations- 2015

  When I went to LA in 2015 to study i arrived when High School was in summer vacation so my aunt and my uncle got me traveling a little bit around the country. I visited Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Hollywood, Santa Mónica and I stayed in Arizona one night.  Hollywood is located relatively near to where I was staying in LA so I went twice  (one time with my aunt and uncle and another one with a friend).  I walked in the walk fame and knew celebrity houses. Hollywood streets are always full of streets artist and celebrities imitators.  I traveled to Las Vegas (Nevada) and Grand Canyon (Colorado) by car with my aunt, my uncle and my gradmom. First we went to apreciate Grand Canyon view, there an squirrel sat on me during I was contemplating a wonderfull sunset. Sunsets in Grand Canyon are from another world. The sky is a painting of intense warm colors  and a few strokes of lilac. After of that magnific day we stayed in a Arizona Hotel where we swam in a heated pool. Arizona is exactly how

Santorini, Greece.

I have always dreamed of traveling to Greece. Greece is a country full of mitology and that make it very interesting. Greece is full of history and beautiful palaces that will make anyone to travel the past. The blue and white arquitecture of the island makes my eyes to dance.  If you ask me the reasons to go i would answer: THERE IS A MILLION REASONS TO GO GREECE, but the most important reason is called: SANTORINI. Just go and watch the images and then you will understand what i am talking about.  To live in Santorini must be like living between  clouds, i'd love to. Just watching Santorini's pictures i get myself full of feelings. Santorini gives me peace and makes me feel free. It is the perfect place to set free from reality. Another important fact that i love is that Greece is the paradise of the party, there is no reason to be bored if you stay there: JUST GO MYKONOS!