Summer vacations- 2015

When I went to LA in 2015 to study i arrived when High School was in summer vacation so my aunt and my uncle got me traveling a little bit around the country. I visited Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Hollywood, Santa Mónica and I stayed in Arizona one night. 
Hollywood is located relatively near to where I was staying in LA so I went twice  (one time with my aunt and uncle and another one with a friend).  I walked in the walk fame and knew celebrity houses. Hollywood streets are always full of streets artist and celebrities imitators. 

I traveled to Las Vegas (Nevada) and Grand Canyon (Colorado) by car with my aunt, my uncle and my gradmom. First we went to apreciate Grand Canyon view, there an squirrel sat on me during I was contemplating a wonderfull sunset. Sunsets in Grand Canyon are from another world. The sky is a painting of intense warm colors  and a few strokes of lilac.

After of that magnific day we stayed in a Arizona Hotel where we swam in a heated pool. Arizona is exactly how it is showed in old west movies

Next morning we went to Las Vegas and stayed 3-4 days. Las vegas is a sleepy city during morning and afternoon but when night falls is full of live. There are thousands hotels and casinos. I stayed in  Tropicana Resort and Casino but we went rooms just to sleep. Most part of the time we were in the hotel pool, knowing casinos (In my opinion, Cesar Palace is the most iconic one) and crazy Las Vegas streets. There is a zone where old Las Vegas is located. In that place everything is so eccentric. There were many people dressed in very unusual ways or just naked waiting for someone to give them money for photoshoting with them. In that place there is a canopy that crosses the entire avenue. Well, i don´t know what exactly to feel about Las Vegas. The only think i know is that every one should visit it in the youth. Unfortunately I didn´t get married in Las Vegas. It would have been a good story for my grandchildren. 
Another place I went is Santa Monica, place where is the famous fortune wheel that appears in american movies.  I went with a chilean friend to the pier for the day. We swam in the ocean and play in the fair. That was a really funny day.

This trip marked a before and after in my life. I met beautiful people that made me feel fortuneted of living despite of bad things in my life. The places I knew teached me to fall in love a way different. I never was happier than back then.  I don't know if I learned all the English that I should but I learned more about life than i would  in million years. 
Sorry for writing so much but I get inspired when I remember these things. 


  1. Sounds very interesting and unforgettable your vacation!, definitely I would like to go

  2. I definitely have to see those places someday.

  3. what luck to know those places, definitely one day I must go.

  4. I loved reading it in its entirety. What a beautiful trip!

  5. This sounds like an unforgettable trip, I think everyone should get married or fall in love in Las Vegas!

  6. That picture of the sunset in Grand Canyon is just insanely beautiful, and all the trip sounded like quite an adventure, I definitely must go someday.

  7. Wow that's a awesome trip, You visited too many beautiful places, It had to be so interesting.

  8. It's a beautiful story. I hope to be able to travel to the United States ever.


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