
When i was in school i didn´t know what i liked. I wanted to be arquitect, medic and lawyer, three professions completely different. I did not get the higher califications, in fact, i didn´t have very good grades.  I didn't learnt too much in school, my life spined around sports and no more, but at the final course I learnt a lot of phisic and biology because of I went to another school where education was more personalized.  When I graduated  from school I entered to a pre-college, there i learnt a lot more of science. I decided that biology was what i wanted to work with the rest of my life. I passionate biology. I feel interested about how nature works, included ourselves. I searched about professions that study these stuff i interested  and i found the Biochemestry. I only got in the college career and here i am. 
Biochemestry is a profession that contributes too much to the society. It isn´t considered by people but biochemestry keep them alive and they are not concient of it. Thanks to biology and chemestry sciencies  life expectancy is longer now than ever. Biochemestry and anothers complementary sciences keep researching to improve people quality life. In spite of scientist are seen individualist, they work hard for all of us. 
Personally I consider a challenge to study biochemestry because  even though I learnt a little bit of science before start college, when i entered to classes in 2019 i realized that everyone knew a lot of chemestry and i didn´t know almost nothing. I practly learnt all i know about chemestry in college. I started from zero but i feel inspired with this discipline. It tests me and i love it. 


  1. Biochemistry is an interesting career, it is good that you study a career that inspires you!

  2. At some point I also thought about studying biochemistry

  3. Good that you are in biochemistry (me too, colleague) I hope you do very well in your courses and do not worry I think it is a universal feeling to feel that everyone knows more than you in a subject, it happened to me with biology!

  4. Biochemistry is a very beautiful carrer I had to choose between this and Chemistry and Farmacy.

  5. Hi, with your post i suppose that you are happy studying Biochemistry or it isn't it?

  6. Hi Noemi, How would you like to contribute to making people's lives better?


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