Pandemic thoughts

The pandemic brought loneliness, confinement, anxiety, scared, poverty and hopeless for most of the population. There is people dying everywhere and not only from covid but from hunger as well so that to tell what i wanna tell right now maybe  would sound like i didn´t be concient of how lucky i am compared to a lot of people, but i just want to tell my experience. I hope you to understand. 
Personally I've been through a lot of moods but i specially have felt anxius. Confinament and college are not a good mixed. Sometimes, when all this started i felt like going crazy (most of times) and i needed to calm down so i started to do old things i used to love: painting and creating. That was the solution for my anxiety but not for my grades hahahan i spent too much time trying to calm down and so little studying. I honestly don´t regret. Mental health is always first. That was what i did at first semester. 
This semester i have felt specially stupid. I feel like everyone in college know more than me or learn faster than me. At first my self esteem fell but then i realized that our career, grades or our efficiency don't define us at all. College is just a little piece of our lives or should be (that's what i think). All we should be defined from hundred of differents pieces. Pieces like our friends, our values, our pleasures, our energy, our vitality. Human pieces. Pieces of our soul. I think life is about what we have inside. Nothing else get sense at the moment of dying more than just have  lived and been happy.
After all of that thought i started to do what i wanted to do (biking, painting, sharing time with my family, etc) no matter the pressure of college. There i started to enjoy this year.


  1. I really identify a lot of with your post! :o
    I think the same about this

  2. Your thought made me consider a lot of thing about what I've done in this pandemic. I think we get really pressured by university and that isn't good for us.

  3. In this pandemic situation we have to enjoy the little things that life give to us, we have a life and like you said, mental health is always the first :)

  4. It is selfish to say it but it is crazy to know that one is never alone, living things alone the same, one always knows that there are many people equal to or worse than one but it is different to read it


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