Intolerance as a social issue

Intolerance is everywhere and there is differents kind of it, but now i will talk about intolerance to the LGBTQI + community . What does LGBTQI+ mean?  The term LGBTIQ + is formed by the initials of the words lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, intersex and queer. At the end, the symbol + is usually added to include all the groups that are not represented in the previous acronyms. 

People think homophobic phrases counts as an opinion or as expression liberty and it is not even close to it. It is insanely common to hear people insult using words like GAY as if your sexual orientation should embarrass or denigrate you. 

 Whatever. All this people are seriously wrong. It is completely insane to discriminate people for being themselves, for loving as they know, for being free. 

Often i hear old people to say "I accept gays but, why do they have to kiss/hug / hold hands in public? could be children arround". Ok, and??????? dont you kiss your wife? why would that be allowed and the another wouldn´t?  aren´t they both ways of loving? are they offending someone? are they stealing/ killing? No, they aren´t. So you should keep silence because your liberty end where their liberties start. YOU efectly are hurting people, NOT THEY to you.

Are those disgusting people even think how difficult is for LGBTQI+ community just to live in a world with people that treat them exactly like they do? People is incredible selfish. People like to foment hate when they are not the affected. I wish all had growed up with the phrase "don't do others what you do not want they do to you". The world would be so much better.

Other fact to question is about normality. how do you know what it is normal or not?  it doesn´t exist normality. Only exist the common. So you are not good or bad you are just living and that is exactly what you have to allow others: LIVING. 


  1. It is really surprising how there are still segregations by sexual orientation.

  2. it's horrible, and the worst thing is that people don't realize the damage it does

  3. That is so sad, all people in the LGBTQI+ community must have suffered at least one insult in their life

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. I think in 2020 as a year for moving alonge but always things that back the time of intolerance


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