
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2020

Summer vacations- 2015

  When I went to LA in 2015 to study i arrived when High School was in summer vacation so my aunt and my uncle got me traveling a little bit around the country. I visited Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Hollywood, Santa Mónica and I stayed in Arizona one night.  Hollywood is located relatively near to where I was staying in LA so I went twice  (one time with my aunt and uncle and another one with a friend).  I walked in the walk fame and knew celebrity houses. Hollywood streets are always full of streets artist and celebrities imitators.  I traveled to Las Vegas (Nevada) and Grand Canyon (Colorado) by car with my aunt, my uncle and my gradmom. First we went to apreciate Grand Canyon view, there an squirrel sat on me during I was contemplating a wonderfull sunset. Sunsets in Grand Canyon are from another world. The sky is a painting of intense warm colors  and a few strokes of lilac. After of that magnific day we stayed in a Arizona Hotel where we swam in a heated pool. Arizona is exactly how

Santorini, Greece.

I have always dreamed of traveling to Greece. Greece is a country full of mitology and that make it very interesting. Greece is full of history and beautiful palaces that will make anyone to travel the past. The blue and white arquitecture of the island makes my eyes to dance.  If you ask me the reasons to go i would answer: THERE IS A MILLION REASONS TO GO GREECE, but the most important reason is called: SANTORINI. Just go and watch the images and then you will understand what i am talking about.  To live in Santorini must be like living between  clouds, i'd love to. Just watching Santorini's pictures i get myself full of feelings. Santorini gives me peace and makes me feel free. It is the perfect place to set free from reality. Another important fact that i love is that Greece is the paradise of the party, there is no reason to be bored if you stay there: JUST GO MYKONOS!